Program Structure

A total of 24 weekly sessions are held across a 6-month time period; four parent group sessions (3 families per group) plus 20 in-home intervention sessions. Families initially attend a 4-hour “Parent Basics” workshop that provides an overview of autism and of the structured teaching philosophy.

Each of the 20 home sessions has a specific topic, such as learning about imitation or play skills. The activities within each session are individualized based upon the child’s developmental level, needs, and specific interests.

1. Parent Basics of Structured Teaching (group sessions are italicized)

2. Using structured teaching in the home

3 & 4. Engagement & learning: Establishing functional routines

5 & 6. Communication basics: Receptive language/transitions

7. Communication Routines

8 & 9. Communication basics: Requesting/Exchange

10. Communication Basics: Next steps

11 & 12. Communication basics: Imitation

13 & 14. Play skills: Appropriate toy play

15. Let’s Play: Make-it-Take it

16 & 17. Social communication: Reciprocal play

18, 19, & 20. Social communication: Responding to & initiating coordinated attention

21. Preventing Challenging Behavior

22 & 23. Understanding behavior

24. Next steps

Each home session is 90 minutes and time is divided between five types of activities. Table, floor, and routines-based activities are included throughout the session. Interventionists serve primarily as a coach to families, modeling strategies and providing support for families as they gain a greater understanding of the learning style of their child and of the structured teaching strategies.

20 minutes: Parent/interventionist discussion of manual topics and strategies

20 minutes: Interventionist and parent engage child during table-based activities

20 minutes: Interventionist and parent engage child during floor-based activities

20 minutes: Interventionist and parent engage child during routines-based activities (e.g. snack, bath, diaper change, outside play)

10 minutes: Wrap-up, homework topics, and preview of future  topics